healinghealingRene Caisse's friend and Essiac historian Sheila Snow obtained letters from Dr. Chester Stock of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center that revealed the importance of the roots of the sheep sorrel plant in the Essiac tea formula. The following quotes came from these letters written by Rene Caisse to Dr. Stock regarding sheep sorrel solution for testing on mice. Here is what Rene Caisse stated regarding the importance of using the whole sheep sorrel plant, including the roots:
"The herb that will destroy a cancer is the dog-eared sheep sorrel, sometimes called "sourgrass". The entire plant must be used." [April 4, 1974 letter to Dr. Stock; Ref. ESSIAC, THE SECRETS OF RENE CAISSE'S HERBAL PHARMACY, p. 28]
"The reason I offered to send you more material was because I know you cannot get the entire plant. You can buy the crushed leaves but they are no good alone. I found this out when I needed so much, when treating three to six hundred people afflicted with cancer every week for eight and a half years. I do know that the whole plant is needed." [January 1975 letter to Dr. Stock; Ref. ESSIAC, THE SECRETS OF RENE CAISSE'S HERBAL PHARMACY, p. 30]
"I am very shocked at the way your people are using the materials I sent you. The way they are preparing it for injections is an absolute waste. They might as well inject sterile water....They are just using leaves and stems, leaving out the roots. They are a part of Essiac." [August 4, 1975 letter to Dr. Stock; Ref. ESSIAC, THE SECRETS OF RENE CAISSE'S HERBAL PHARMACY, p. 31]
"Dear Dr. Stock; I am worried about not receiving any reports on the tests. I thought about the way the lab had been preparing the material for the tests, and why they were not getting better results, so I read over their preparation and found that they were only using the leaves and stems, leaving out the roots, which are very essential in the 'Essiac' for treatments." [June 14, 1976 letter to Dr. Stock; Ref. THE ESSIAC BOOK, p. 123, photocopy of Rene's handwritten letter (see below, left.]
"The herb that will destroy a cancer is the dog-eared sheep sorrel, sometimes called "sourgrass". The entire plant must be used." [April 4, 1974 letter to Dr. Stock; Ref. ESSIAC, THE SECRETS OF RENE CAISSE'S HERBAL PHARMACY, p. 28]
"The reason I offered to send you more material was because I know you cannot get the entire plant. You can buy the crushed leaves but they are no good alone. I found this out when I needed so much, when treating three to six hundred people afflicted with cancer every week for eight and a half years. I do know that the whole plant is needed." [January 1975 letter to Dr. Stock; Ref. ESSIAC, THE SECRETS OF RENE CAISSE'S HERBAL PHARMACY, p. 30]
"I am very shocked at the way your people are using the materials I sent you. The way they are preparing it for injections is an absolute waste. They might as well inject sterile water....They are just using leaves and stems, leaving out the roots. They are a part of Essiac." [August 4, 1975 letter to Dr. Stock; Ref. ESSIAC, THE SECRETS OF RENE CAISSE'S HERBAL PHARMACY, p. 31]
"Dear Dr. Stock; I am worried about not receiving any reports on the tests. I thought about the way the lab had been preparing the material for the tests, and why they were not getting better results, so I read over their preparation and found that they were only using the leaves and stems, leaving out the roots, which are very essential in the 'Essiac' for treatments." [June 14, 1976 letter to Dr. Stock; Ref. THE ESSIAC BOOK, p. 123, photocopy of Rene's handwritten letter (see below, left.]
Nurse Rene Caisse had taught her best friend, Mary McPherson, to make Essiac tea for her patients. After Rene's death Mary McPherson taught Barbara Kokotsis how to make the tea and that sheep sorrel roots were a necessary part of the formula. Mrs. Kokotsis stated in an interview that both the sheep sorrel roots and leaves are part of the Essiac formula: "Yeah, root and the leaves. There is more power in the roots than in the leaves."
The Sheep Sorrel Root is a rare commodity because it takes 3 years for the root to mature in order to get maximum benefits of this "very essential" herbal ingredient in Rene Caisse's Essiac Tea which she used in her Cancer therapy & cured 1,000's of patients verified by Doctors from days gone by. The harvest and preparation of the root is quite extensive and has to be done by hand, separating the root from the plant, drying and cutting. Many organic farmers who grow herbs & foods are generally harvested within a year. Time and patience is a definite requirement in growing, harvesting and preparing the root, at minimum, a three year investment.
FYI, Sheep sorrel root grows wild here & there, all over the Earth. Once you recognize the plant, which likes to grow in well drained areas, you may be fortunate enough to find & harvest your own. Everyone likes a good treasure hunt once in awhile, and what could be better than a treasure of health.
FYI, Sheep sorrel root grows wild here & there, all over the Earth. Once you recognize the plant, which likes to grow in well drained areas, you may be fortunate enough to find & harvest your own. Everyone likes a good treasure hunt once in awhile, and what could be better than a treasure of health.