To all customers;

Welcome to Essiac NorthWest offering Canadian Cancer Nurse Rene Caisse's original four herb Essiac Tea which she used on her patients referred by Doctor's after their treatments failed.
Essiac NorthWest is a proud member of the Essiac Circle of Friends, a great group of people who strive to bring truth and wellness across our Earth. Please visit our Essiac Circle of Friends website for more information about how we have grown and harvested God given herbs.
The high-quality herbs are grown in the US using organic methods. Most important our Essiac tea contains the "very essential" Sheep Sorrel root which most Essiac brands lack due to the root being a rare commodity.
We now offer 25% sheep sorrel root in an Extra-Strength Essiac Tea and continue to offer Original Blend 10% sheep sorrel root. The percentages given are the ratios by weight of sheep sorrel roots to the total sheep sorrel content in our Essiac tea. Order a 2-ounce or 1-pound package of either 10% original blend or 25% special blend or both! Click here on the Shopping page.
Welcome to Essiac NorthWest offering Canadian Cancer Nurse Rene Caisse's original four herb Essiac Tea which she used on her patients referred by Doctor's after their treatments failed.
Essiac NorthWest is a proud member of the Essiac Circle of Friends, a great group of people who strive to bring truth and wellness across our Earth. Please visit our Essiac Circle of Friends website for more information about how we have grown and harvested God given herbs.
The high-quality herbs are grown in the US using organic methods. Most important our Essiac tea contains the "very essential" Sheep Sorrel root which most Essiac brands lack due to the root being a rare commodity.
We now offer 25% sheep sorrel root in an Extra-Strength Essiac Tea and continue to offer Original Blend 10% sheep sorrel root. The percentages given are the ratios by weight of sheep sorrel roots to the total sheep sorrel content in our Essiac tea. Order a 2-ounce or 1-pound package of either 10% original blend or 25% special blend or both! Click here on the Shopping page.

The famous Canadain Cancer Nurse Rene Caisse, who developed Essiac tea, stated that Sheep Sorrel roots are "very essential" to the Essiac herbal formula. During her research and trials, she accidentally learned the tea also had wonderful benefits for Type 2 Diabetes. Doctors working with her were quite amazed.
We drink Essiac tea simply as a general health tonic due to the gentle detox qualities for the kidney & liver, and assists the lymph system in purifying blood.
Unfortunately, high-quality, organically-grown Sheep Sorrel root is not readily available or easily found even on the internet. Be cautious of company's who may add a pinch of sheep sorrel root and claim they have included sheep sorrel roots. However, such a small amount would not have a significant health benefit. It is vital that people know how much sheep sorrel root is in each packet since it is such an important ingredient in Cancer fighting Essiac tea.
We drink Essiac tea simply as a general health tonic due to the gentle detox qualities for the kidney & liver, and assists the lymph system in purifying blood.
Unfortunately, high-quality, organically-grown Sheep Sorrel root is not readily available or easily found even on the internet. Be cautious of company's who may add a pinch of sheep sorrel root and claim they have included sheep sorrel roots. However, such a small amount would not have a significant health benefit. It is vital that people know how much sheep sorrel root is in each packet since it is such an important ingredient in Cancer fighting Essiac tea.

"If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls who live under tyranny." --
Thomas Jefferson paraphrase from Notes on Virginia
3rd President and principal author of The Declaration of Independence
Trivia .... Thomas Jefferson died on July 4th...
Links to GOOD HEALTH web sites
Essiac Circle of Friends
National Health Freedom Coalition
National Health Federation
Idaho Health Freedom
***Proud member of Essiac Circle of Friends***
We do not diagnose nor treat any ailment as this should be done by a competent, experienced doctor of your choice or nutrition-oriented medical doctor who has personally examined you. Every individual's body has specific requirements for nutrition. The information offered on this web site is for historical and general information and shall not to be construed as medical advice or treatment. The use of herbs and other natural remedies is a God given & natural right. We assert that each individual human being owns his or her own body and no government or medical institution has the right to usurp that ownership. No mere statute or regulation can take away a human right.
THEREFORE, all Natural, Human Rights and Freedoms are hereby secured and preserved, any and all mere de facto political laws, codes, regulations, statutes, administrative procedures, government alphabet agencies and/or United Nations treaties to the contrary notwithstanding. Nothing on this web site shall be construed as legal or medical advice or treatment. For legal or medical advice please bend over and consult a qualified, licensed profe$$ional.
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