The Guide to Proper Use of Essiac Tea
A Guide for the Proper Use of Rene Caisse's Herbal Tea
What is Essiac Tea?
Essiac is a pleasant-tasting four-herb tea that was developed from a native American cancer remedy by Canadian nurse Rene Caisse [pronounced “Reen Case”]. The original, native formula consisted of eight herbs but Nurse Caisse never revealed the identity of all eight herbs. Rene Caisse tested the tea on mice and used it on cancer patients in her Cancer Clinic in Bracebridge, Ontario under the direction of medical doctors. After fifty years of testing various herbal combinations Nurse Caisse modified the original native formula and eventually reduced it to a decoction of the following four herbs: cut burdock root (Arctium lappa), sheep sorrel powder - root included (Rumex acetosella), slippery elm bark powder (Ulmus rubra/fulva) and turkey rhubarb root (Rheum palmatum). This formula was confirmed and entered into the public domain when Rene Caisse's best friend, Mary McPherson, recorded an affidavit in Bracebridge in 1994. Rene Caisse called her tea “Essiac”--her surname spelled backwards. Unlike Chinese green or black tea, Essiac tea does not contain caffeine.
Were Rene Caisse's Essiac treatments effective?
Rene Caisse operated her cancer clinic under the supervision and observation of a number of doctors. Based on what those doctors saw with their own eyes, eight of them signed a petition to the Department of National Health and Welfare at Ottawa, asking that Nurse Caisse be given facilities to do independent research on her discovery. Their petition, dated at Toronto on October 27, 1926, read as follows:
To Whom It May Concern: "We the undersigned believe that the 'Treatment for Cancer' given by Nurse R.M. Caisse can do no harm and that it relieves pain, will reduce the enlargement and will prolong life in hopeless cases. To the best of our knowledge, she has not been given a case to treat until everything in medical and surgical science has been tried without effect and even then she was able to show remarkable beneficial results on those cases at that late stage.”[8]
Rene Caisse stated: “After a few treatments, patients seemed to throw off their depression, fear and distress. Their outlook became optimistic and as pain decreased, they became happy and talkative. I can truthfully say that I have in many cases been able to stay the disease and in some really bad cases, prolong life. In practically all cases, pain and suffering were alleviated so that the patient was not compelled to resort to opiates or narcotics in increasing doses, as usually is the case. My decoction is a non-toxic drink made from herbs which are of definite benefit for cancer.”[2]
Rene Caisse devoted over fifty years of her life to treating hundreds of cancer patients with Essiac. So effective were her treatments that in 1938 her supporters gathered 55,000 signatures for a petition to allow Rene Caisse to continue treating cancer patients. A bill was introduced in the Ontario legislature to (allegedly) “authorize Rene Caisse to practice medicine in the Province of Ontario in the treatment of cancer and conditions therein”. Due to the machinations of the medical establishment, the bill failed to pass by just three votes.
What kinds of cancers did Essiac treatments help?
"At least eighteen different types of cancers from the Bracebridge case histories are on record as having been successfully treated with the tea. This includes cancers of: the breast, cheek, kidney, pancreas, stomach, bladder, esophagus, jaw, penis, uterus, cervix, ear, lip, prostate, bowel, chin, nose, rectum. Many of the cancers successfully treated since 1977 are included in the list of early case histories. Others reported are cancer of: the brain, tonsils, bone, ovaries, eye, salivary gland as well as lymphatic leukemia and lymphoma.”[4]
“Essiac's primary function appears to boost the immune system and stimulate feelings of well-being in whoever is using the tea, as well as possibly providing some general remedial value in treating cancerous conditions. Considering this, Essiac may have some beneficial effect on any cancer, both primary and metastatic, depending on the individual person.”[5]
“In the past, Rene Caisse treated a variety of cancerous conditions, most of them considered beyond all medical help. Diagnoses then were usually confirmed by clinical examinations, X-rays and sometimes with a biopsy. Her case histories revealed favorable results in the treatment of all types of facial and head cancers; those of every internal organ, including the liver and pancreas, two of the most difficult to arrest; cancers of the male and female organs, lymph glands and others. All patients treated by the nurse improved and many completely healed. These improvements were not limited to cancer cases exclusively. Cysts, fibroid tumors, chronic mastitis and ulcers similarly responded to her therapy. Today's cancers treated successfully with this remedy include those already mentioned, as well as tumors of the brain, bone, eye, ovaries, salivary glands, tonsils and even leukemia.”[2]
Why is it important to include Sheep Sorrel roots in Essiac tea?
The secret ingredient in Essiac tea was discovered by Sheila Snow who obtained letters from Dr. Chester Stock of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. The following quotes came from these letters written by Rene Caisse to Dr. Stock regarding sheep sorrel solution for testing on mice. Here is what Rene Caisse stated regarding the importance of using the whole sheep sorrel plant, including the roots: “The reason I offered to send you more material was because I know you cannot get the entire plant. You can buy the crushed leaves but they are no good alone. I found this out when I needed so much, when treating three to six hundred people afflicted with cancer every week for eight and a half years. I do know that the whole plant is needed.”[1]
“I am very shocked at the way your people are using the materials I sent you. The way they are preparing it for injections is an absolute waste. They might as well inject sterile water....They are just using leaves and stems, leaving out the roots. They are a part of Essiac.”[1]
How does Essiac Tea work on cancer?
In May of 1974 Rene Caisse wrote the following words to Dr. Chester Stock: "It took years to find out the one herb that actually worked on the growth itself [i.e., Sheep Sorrel]. The other herbs I used to purify the blood and throw off any infection by the malignant growth as it regressed."[1]
"The research showed Sheep Sorrel, the most acidic ingredient at pH 4.5, to be the one herb that had a direct destructive effect on cancerous cells. All the initial experiments were carried out on laboratory mice: "We found that on mice inoculated with human carcinoma, the growth regressed until it was no longer invading living tissue after nine days of Essiac experiments."[1]
Rene Caisse described this process in detail in the following three paragraphs:
"Most importantly, and this was verified in animal tests conducted at the Brusch Medical Center and other laboratories, it was discovered that one of the most dramatic effects of taking this remedy was its affinity for drawing all the cancer cells which had spread back to the original site at which point the tumor would first harden, then later it would soften, until it vanished altogether or more realistically, the tumor would decrease in size to where it could then be surgically removed with minimal complications." [2]
"In certain cases and at certain stages of the disease, the cancer would act as if it were 'coming to a head', similar to an abscess. It would then break down and slough away. These people all reported that when the mass breaks, it isn't like pus but like a cottage cheese substance that comes away. Still other types will enlarge until the mass is localized, then loosen and reduce in size until there is nothing left, having been absorbed into and carried off by the blood stream and body waste." [2]
"I found also that no matter where the malignancy may be in the human body, surgery would be much more successful after six to eight treatments of Essiac, followed by further treatments once a week after the operation for a period of three months; then there would be no recurrence of the tumor. In the case of breast cancers, the primary growth will usually invade the mammary gland of the opposite breast or the auxilla (armpit), or both. My treatment, I found, reduced the secondary growth into the primary mass, enlarging it for a time. When it became localized, it was encapsulated and could then be removed without danger of recurrence. In one instance, a patient with breast cancer was instructed by her doctor to have six Essiac treatments before undergoing surgery. After the fifth treatment, however, the cancer disappeared, with no recurrence."[2]
The following reactions may occur as a result of treating cancer with the Essiac formula:
a) swelling--occurs when metastasized cells gather into the primary tumor.
b) cottage cheese effect--resembling curds and clear liquid, occurs as the cancer breaks up and discharges from either the body orifices or from localized cysts or swellings. A jelly-like substance can also be discharged or coughed up from the lungs.
c) more frequent passing of urine/defecation and other inexplicable discharges--occurring as the body detoxifies. If the symptoms are severe, with related nausea and pain, stop taking the formula for a few days until all the symptoms have subsided. When you start drinking it again, take half an ounce every other day, gradually resuming the original dosage. Remember that all diseases have a life cycle and a rhythm of their own, so follow your own judgment according to what your body is telling you about the dosage it needs.
d) aching 'on site' and headaches, linked to the detoxification process, have been noted as sometimes occurring when taking Essiac after surgery. Treat as described above (c) and drink more water to flush out toxins from the body.
e) fever or chills--sometimes occurring when the Essiac starts working directly on the cancerous cells.[4]
How to Make Essiac Tea
The following Essiac tea instructions have been simplified as much as possible to save time and make it easier for people new to Essiac to make the tea. The supplies for making Essiac tea can usually be found in your local hardware or grocery store in the canning supplies section. Do not use any aluminum utensils as aluminum can react with Essiac tea. Supplies Needed: Enameled or stainless steel pot with lid. Canning jars, lids & rings. Strainer (sieve) and funnel or a glass measuring cup.
The following recipe is for making one gallon of tea using 1/2 cup (2oz) of Essiac tea herbs. If you are making Essiac tea for one person, then consider making a smaller amount with the suggested measurements below. Since Essiac tea is perishable and will eventually spoil in the refrigerator, it is best to make just enough Essiac tea to last about two weeks. You can increase the shelf life of Essiac tea by sterilizing all utensils, jars, rings, lids, etc. in a boiling water bath for at least 15 minutes. However, making Essiac tea in smaller batches allows one to skip the sterilization process while also drinking the tea before it spoils.
1. Pour one gallon of filtered or distilled water into pot and bring to a boil. (Optional: Add extra water to compensate for water boiling off and water absorption of herbs.)
2. Add 1/2 cup of dried Essiac tea herbs (2 oz. packet) to boiling water, turn burner to medium-low, and cook for 10 minutes. To make a two-quart batch use one half of the packet, i.e., ¼ cup of herbs, and for 1 quart, use 2 Tablespoons of herbs.
3. Allow the pot of tea to sit covered, in a temperature of 70 degrees or cooler for 8 to 10 hours, or overnight.
4. Reheat the tea in the covered pot until steaming hot, but do not boil it twice.
5. Allow the tea to sit covered and undisturbed for several minutes so that the herbs will settle to the bottom of the pot.
6. Place funnel and strainer (sieve) on top of preheated canning jars. (If you don’t have a funnel and strainer, you can use a glass measuring cup to pour the tea into the jars.)
7. Carefully pour off (decant) the liquid from the pot into the canning jars to keep most of the sediment out. Screw the lids on, allow to cool and refrigerate. The sediment can be used for poultices or discarded. Some sediment at the bottom of your jar(s) is quite usual and acceptable. Do not filter the tea before bottling.
NOTE: Discard Essiac tea if it tastes sour or when white mold appears floating on the surface. Essiac herbs and tea are light and heat sensitive so it is important to store the dry herbs in a cool, dark place and the prepared Essiac tea in the refrigerator.
Recommended Dosage for Essiac Tea
[Note: The following information applies just to people who are using Essiac tea as a treatment for cancer and not necessarily for other ailments or general health purposes. “Remember that all diseases have a life cycle and a rhythm of their own, so follow your own judgment according to what your body is telling you about the dosage it needs.”[4]
According to Sheila Snow and Mali Klein's research, when the doctors connected with the Resperin Corporation, they started working with Essiac. Rene began to advise the dose of one fluid ounce diluted in two ounces of warm water before going to bed.[4] Depending on the exact nature and severity of your condition, you may have to consider taking Essiac at this dosage level for a period of up to two years, with 'resting' intervals of perhaps one week off in every four in order to stimulate maximum efficacy of the tea. “It is our experience that the body seems to resist Essiac at higher doses. Rene Caisse considered high doses a
complete waste of the remedy and risked the possibility of stimulating over-detoxification crises.”[5]
“Dosage as a remedy for cancer: Drink 1 fluid ounce/30ml Essiac once daily, diluted with 2 fluid ounces/60ml of hot water. This should be sipped (like any hot tea), preferably before bedtime and at least two hours after eating. Food should not be eaten within one hour of drinking the tea.”[3]
“It is very important to use the dosage as recommended, which was based on more than 54 years experience. Rene was very concerned about this, which is why she personally administered the dose to her patients. The herbs are very potent, and in particular, Sheep Sorrel can have the effect of enlarging the tumor too quickly, so that it may burst, or a vital organ may be blocked because of its increase in size. Sometimes the tumors will soften, dissolve into small pieces and be eliminated through the bowel or the urinary tract. Cancer growths in the breast have been known to become encapsulated within six weeks to three months, and can then be removed surgically with little danger of metastasizing in the future. Cancers of the esophagus have also become encapsulated and removed cleanly and safely by surgery.”[3]
“In the first years of my research I found that some people experience nausea and vomiting when the decoction is too strong, even after it has been diluted with twice the volume of water….I started working with a useful ‘middle way’ ratio, using 10 g. mixed herbs to 1 litre of water, which translates to one fluid ounce measure of the dried herbs to 35 fluid ounces of water….This ratio has worked very well in application, with no adverse side effects, and is well tolerated over a long period of time with occasional rest periods and the option of doubling the dose when necessary.” [6]
“Depending on special circumstances, very occasionally in her later years, she would sometimes advise an initial dose of one fluid ounce twice daily for the first five, ten or (rarely) thirty days before reducing to one fluid ounce a day. Rene was always very particular about this because she was aware that sometimes, when patients first began taking the Essiac formula, their tumors might enlarge suddenly as
though they were gathering back the cancerous cells that had metastasized. When that happened, she either gave lighter doses or stopped treatment altogether for a time, to prevent a vital organ from becoming blocked. It all depended on the nature and position of the tumor. For example, primary brain tumors rarely metastasize and we have had no reports of this type of swelling when taking Essiac in these cases.
Children and Animals can also Benefit from Drinking Essiac Tea
For pets and children, the dosage for Essiac tea should be reduced proportionally depending on body weight. There is not a lot of reliable information available regarding Essiac dosages for children because Rene Caisse mostly treated adults. The following quote from ESSIAC ESSENTIALS (p. 46) is helpful:
“It is difficult to offer specific advice about giving Essiac to children. However, the following case history could act as a guideline.
“The parents of a three-year-old girl with an inoperable brain tumor used Essiac successfully, employing careful observation and familial empathy to decide on the correct dosage for their daughter's condition.
“Two months after diagnosis in 1977 they began by giving her four teaspoons of the diluted decoction daily. One month later her white blood cell count was down to 3300 from 4000 and her condition was improving. They tried reducing the dosage to three teaspoons four months after diagnosis, but her condition did not respond well and she was back on four teaspoons, rising briefly to five for a couple of weeks the following month. Seven months after diagnosis, she had put on 2 lbs in weight and was doing well on four teaspoons daily, reducing to three teaspoons by the eighth month.
“Ten months after diagnosis she was back to four teaspoons daily after a slight deterioration in her condition which adjusted after she had been taking the higher dose for two weeks. She remained on the four teaspoons daily for the next twenty-two months until her parents felt her condition had stabilized sufficiently to reduce the dose back to three teaspoons daily. Four years and three months after diagnosis she was taking one tablespoon of Essiac every morning. Seven months later she was taking one tablespoon every other day. She has made a remarkable recovery, thanks not only to Essiac but to her parents' love and willingness to observe and follow their intuitive responses to her needs.”
Animal dosages
Animals respond very well to Essiac tea administered orally. The concentrated tea can be administered either in drinking water or directly down the throat, using a plastic syringe.
Dosage levels are assessed according to the weight of the animal. A cat weighing 10 lbs/4.5 kg can be treated with 2 ml of the tea diluted in 2 ml tepid water once daily. A dog weighing 100 lbs/45 kg will need the standard 30 ml dose daily.
30 ml = 1 fluid ounce
2 ml = about 1/2 teaspoon
Is Essiac Tea a Drug?
Some people have referred to Essiac tea as a drug. However, Essiac is not a drug. Essiac is a traditional, non-toxic tea. Essiac does not disable or kill people like FDA-approved pharmaceutical drugs do. Also, many people drink Essiac tea simply because it is a pleasant-tasting beverage. It contains no caffeine. Essiac is food. Eating food and drinking tea is a human right. No government agency has the right to interfere with that right.
“During a two-year judicial trial in Hull, Quebec, at which Sheila [Snow] testified, a company manufacturing a decoction using the same herbs as those in the Essiac recipe was cited for advertising its product as a cure for cancer without applying for a Drug Identification number. The resulting adjudication classified the product as a food, not a drug. One of the defense attorneys presented the court with the following definitions:
Food: A natural substance or combination of bio-organic substances containing nutrients or nutritive products to:
* maintain and support living tissues
* permit the regeneration of living cells
* supply energy for the physiological equilibrium within an organism
Drug: A substance or combination of substances, usually made of synthetic or isolated compounds and matter (other than food) that alters or modifies:
* the physical state
* the psychological state
* the emotional state
Remedy: A substance or combination of substances usually originating from a natural source that can correct the physiological equilibrium with an organism.
Conclusion: Food can be remedial without being a drug.
Essiac can be remedial and is not a drug.”
FDA Protection Racket
According to PubMed (2014) prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death in the USA and Europe. Since January 2000, over 20 million people have died from chemotherapy. Why then is the FDA and FTC aggressively attacking people who sell cancer herbs and other natural remedies? The answer to this question was given by a most credible witness—Dr. Herbert Ley, former Commissioner of the FDA:
“The thing that bugs me is that people think the FDA is protecting them. It isn't. What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it's doing are as different as night and day. First, it is providing a means whereby key individuals on its payroll are able to obtain both power and wealth through granting special favors to certain politically influential groups that are subject to its regulation. This activity is similar to the 'protection racket' of organized crime: for a price, one can induce FDA administrators to provide 'protection' from the FDA itself. Secondly, as a result of this political favoritism, the FDA has become a primary factor in that formula whereby cartel-oriented companies in the food and drug industry are able to use the police powers of government to harass or destroy their free-market competitors. And thirdly, the FDA occasionally does some genuine public good with whatever energies it has left over after serving the vested political and commercial interest of its first two activities.” [WORLD WITHOUT CANCER by G. Edward Griffin]
At 78 I was diagnosed with Stage IV bladder cancer and the Dr. wanted to start removing organs. I told him I was too old to have him start chopping away and was going to try this here Essiac tea. My Dr. refused to treat me since I was choosing to drink the tea. Eight months later, I went to the medical school in Charleston for a cat scan. The Dr.’s couldn’t believe their eyes. All signs of cancer were gone and all they could see was scar tissue!
~B.C. , Charleston, S.C. Received November 2018
Wanted to let you know how much Essiac is helping my Mother.
She’s been taking Essiac since November 2017. She was originally diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer. She had difficulty breathing and had a nagging cough. By mid-January her cough was almost gone and her breathing had eased considerably. She continued to improve and although I was pretty confident the cancer was diminishing, we had no hard evidence that it was, at least until last week when she had another scan done. The results of the scan showed the tumor in her lungs had decreased by a whopping 88%. It went from the size of a coffee cup to the size of just the handle! The nodules in her lymph nodes have also decreased in size.
Thank you for doing what you do and may God Bless you.
~ D.S., Pennsylvania Received April 2018
Saved my dog’s life. Reversed Osteosarcoma. She had two diagnoses of cancer from different vets. She lived and her case was researched by University of Illinois Veterinarian School. My vet was blown away with the results. Essiac works! ~V.B., Michigan
“We all have the right to benefit from Essiac because no one can stop us making it, no one can stop us taking it and no one can stop us deciding how and when we're going to do it.” [THE ESSIAC BOOK by Mali Klein, 2006]
The best time to take the tea is first thing in the morning and/or just before going to bed. Once a day is sufficient for most people. Twice a day is the maximum dose.
If you feel dizzy, weak, headachy, swollen glands or general flu-like symptoms, this means the tea is working but you may be drinking too much. If these detoxing symptoms are uncomfortable, cut back on the dosage or stop taking it for a day before resuming the tea at the once a day dosage.
Drink plenty of fresh water throughout the day when drinking Essiac tea. This will help your body eliminate the toxins and oxilates that have built up in your tissues over the years. Drinking half your body weight in ounces of water is essential.
It is important to eliminate all dehydrating beverages such as coffee, caffeinated beverages, soda pop and alcohol for any serious health condition.
Essiac Tea Recipe For 1 Pound
120 g Burdock Root 240.6 g
72 g Sheep Sorrel Leaf 145.3 g
8 g Sheep Sorrel Root 16.3 g
5 g Turkey Rhubarb Root 10 g
20 g Slippery Elm Bark 40 g
225 g Total Essiac Tea
Approx. 1 pound
Some Handy Measurements and Conversions:
1 ounce (oz.) = 28 grams (g.) = 1/16 pound (lb.) a fluid ounce (fl. oz.) is usually written just oz.
1 cup = 8 fluid ounces (fl. oz.) = 16 Tablespoons (TB) = 236 milliliter (ml.)
4 cup = 1 quart (qt.) = ¼ gallon (gal.) = 2 pints (pt.) = 944 ml. (very close to 1 liter)
1 TB = ½ fl. oz. = 3 teaspoons (tsp.) = 15 ml.
For more detailed information on Essiac tea such as additional history and other applications, please visit:
It is important that in cases of serious illness one should consult a competent, experienced naturopathic doctor or integrative medical doctor who has personally examined you. It is important to remember that each individual's body has specific requirements for nutrition. Therefore, the information offered in this booklet is for historical and general information only and not to be construed as medical advice or treatment. The use of herbs and other natural remedies is a natural right. We assert that each individual human being owns his or her own body and no government has the right to usurp that ownership. No mere statute or regulation can take away a human right.
This booklet is given free of charge under the jurisdiction and principles of Natural Law. THEREFORE, all Natural, Human Rights and Freedoms are hereby secured and preserved, any and all mere de facto political laws, codes, regulations, statutes, administrative procedures, government alphabet agencies and/or United Nations treaties to the contrary notwithstanding.
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” ~Thomas Edison
“If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls who live under tyranny.” ~Thomas Jefferson
“Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an underground dictatorship....To restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others will constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic and have no place in a republic....The Constitution of this republic should make special privilege for medical freedom as well as religious freedom.” ~Dr. Benjamin Rush, signer of the Declaration of Independence
This booklet is based upon the research and documentation of Sheila Snow and Mali Klein. Sheila Snow knew and worked with Rene Caisse personally from 1974 to 1977 and she even helped provide herbs for Rene Caisse. Sheila Snow spent 27 years of her life assembling an impressive Essiac archive collection that she passed on to Mali Klein. For a comprehensive, well-researched handbook on the proper use of Essiac treatments read THE ESSIAC BOOK by Mali Klein. A more comprehensive update to this book has been published: THE COMPLETE ESSIAC ESSENTIALS (2010). The following information is footnoted to give credit to Sheila Snow and Mali Klein and to dispel much of the disinformation about Essiac Tea. According to their research it is very important to use Essiac Tea properly and to use the same formula that Rene Caisse used, which included sheep sorrel roots. This condensed, easy-to-use manual was created primarily as a free informational service of for health care professionals and their patients.
*All Rights Reserved. The ESSIAC MANUAL is intended for use by naturopaths, natural healing professionals and their patients. The ESSIAC MANUAL may be reproduced and distributed only under the following conditions: 1) that it be free of charge; 2) that it be reproduced in its entirety without any alteration whatsoever; 3) that it not be used to promote or sell a specific Essiac product unless permission is granted by the [email protected] 4) that anyone wishing to post it on a website must first obtain permission from the webmaster at
For more information about Essiac tea, read the four books cited in the following references. Most of these books are out-of-print but used copies can be found on the internet. However, THE COMPLETE ESSIAC ESSENTIALS by Sheila Snow & Mali Klein is still in print.
1. ESSIAC: SECRETS OF RENE CAISSE'S HERBAL PHARMACY by Sheila Snow and Mali Klein, p. 20-31
2. THE ESSENCE OF ESSIAC by Sheila Snow, p. 122-126
3. ESSIAC ESSENTIALS by Sheila Snow and Mali Klein, p. 37-38
4. ESSIAC ESSENTIALS, by Sheila Snow and Mali Klein, p. 41-46
5. ESSIAC: SECRETS OF RENE CAISSE'S HERBAL PHARMACY by Sheila Snow and Mali Klein, p. 113-121
6. THE ESSIAC BOOK by Mali Klein, p. 24-30
7. THE ESSIAC BOOK by Mali KLein, p. 123-124
Reprinted by permission